NDR – Proof of concept


#POC  #Proof of concept

In an era of constant change, we are more and more often led to launch projects and make decisions that will profoundly transform our industry, without any certainty of being on the right track. What could be better than a “Proof-of-concept” (POC) to make sure that you are on the right track and that the chosen solution is the most adapted to your company’s context?

Since the goal of a POC is to demonstrate the feasibility of a system, it consists of answering the question “Can it be done?”

With the following 2 components: Is the chosen solution the right one / Is it possible to implement it? The answer is yes or no, “GO” or “NO GO”.

Here is a concrete achievement #NEED-Robotics #Ideatech


For more information, please contact us 

☎️ 09 72 60 57 77 choice 1
🏭 ndr@needrobotics.net

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